ACTION MagicFile { ICON question DESCRIPTION Calls file(1) for the selected files, using a \ magic file in ~/.util, if present. TYPE COMMAND EXEC_STRING ksh -c \ 'm=~/.util/magic; \ if [ -f \$m ]; then m="-m \$m"; else m=""; fi; \ file \$m %(File)Args% | expand | \ mlist -specfont 7x13 -pb2label "" -title "File Types"' WINDOW_TYPE NO_STDIO } ACTION ListFile { ICON filestats DESCRIPTION Calls ls(1) for the selected files, using the \ -ld flags. TYPE COMMAND EXEC_STRING ksh -c \ 'ls -lid %(File)Args% | expand | \ mlist -specfont 7x13 -pb2label "" -title "List Files"' WINDOW_TYPE NO_STDIO }